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Administrator, Inner Circle Member


  • Hi - please add your name and email address in this form and you will get an invitation to submit the 'questionnaire' for application the next time they do a recruitment drive. I don't know when that will be. Thank you
  • @Idvman That reason for joining is just as valid as any other. More so than some. You've already signed up to the mailing list, so when they do the next round of invitations, you'll get one. Not sure when that will be.
  • @PlumCrazy It got started and then stalled. Although they were only looking at doing solid colors on Arsenal firearms only, to start.
  • @Vanillaguerrilla Enter your name and email address (please use the same email address for this forum and your K-Var customer account) into this form. We will use that email list to notify everyone when we do our next recruitment drive.
  • *** BUMP *** Please use this thread to request membership to the Inner Circle. After doing so, enter your name and email address (please use the same email address for this forum and your K-Var customer account) into this form. We will use that email list to notify everyone when we do our next recruitment drive.
  • Well everyone who added their info through that form (except 1) submitted the questionnaire and is pending processing. Will try to get you guys added by early next week. Thanks for sticking with it!
  • @Rick @edho2002 Let me see if I can at least send out an invite to those who have jumped through all the hoops and registered here on the form. 
  • Welcome - posting this again in case it gets missed - please enter your contact info into this form - we will use this list to contact prospective members on our next membership drive!
  • Couple of things here - First, add your contact info into this form (as mentioned in the "request inner circle membership" thread). When we do our next recruitment batch, you will get an invitation to the 'questionnaire' that is used to start the invitation process. Second, keep in mind that Inner Circle members get first…
    in SASM7-32G Comment by ICAdmin March 2022